The Rising Trend of Furries: How Many Are There?

published on 25 April 2024


In recent years, the furry community has seen a significant rise in popularity and visibility. But just how many furries are there? The answer to this question may surprise you. In this article, we will explore the furry demographics, delve into the numbers, and shed light on the furry population worldwide. So, if you're curious about the size of the furry community and its growth, read on!

Furries: Who Are They?

Before we dive into the numbers, let's first understand who furries are. Furries are individuals who have an interest in anthropomorphic animal characters. These characters can be found in various forms such as artwork, costumes (known as fursuits), literature, and online communities.

Furries often create their own unique characters called fursonas, which represent their personal identity within the community. These fursonas can be any species of animal or hybrid creature, and each one is as unique as its creator.

How Many Furries Are There?

Now that we have a basic understanding of what furries are, let's explore how many of them exist worldwide. While it is challenging to determine an exact number, various studies and surveys have provided valuable insights into the size and growth of the furry fandom.

Furry Demographics

To understand the demographics of furries, we need to look at factors such as age, gender, location, and interests within the community. Let's break down these aspects one by one.

Age Distribution

The furry fandom encompasses individuals from a wide range of age groups. While it is most commonly associated with younger individuals, there is a significant presence of furries across all age brackets.

According to a survey conducted by FurScience, an ongoing research project dedicated to understanding furries, the largest age group within the furry community is between 18 and 29 years old, followed closely by those aged 30 to 39.

Gender Representation

The furry community prides itself on being inclusive and welcoming to individuals of all genders. The same FurScience survey revealed that the majority of furries identify as male, with around 65% of respondents identifying as male, while approximately 30% identified as female. The remaining respondents identified as non-binary or preferred not to disclose their gender.

Geographic Distribution

Furries can be found all over the world, although certain regions have a higher concentration of individuals within the community. The United States is known to have a significant furry population, followed by countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia.

Growth of the Furry Fandom

The furry fandom has experienced substantial growth in recent years. While specific numbers can be challenging to pinpoint, various indicators suggest an increasing interest in the community.

Online Presence

One significant factor contributing to the growth of the furry fandom is its strong online presence. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, and Fur Affinity provide spaces for furries to connect, share artwork, and discuss their shared interests. This online visibility has allowed furries to find each other more easily and expand their networks.

Furry Conventions

Furry conventions play a pivotal role in bringing furries together in real life. These events offer a unique opportunity for individuals within the community to meet face-to-face, attend panels and workshops, showcase their artwork or fursuits, and partake in various activities.

Over the years, furry conventions have grown significantly in attendance and number. Events like Anthrocon in Pittsburgh and Midwest FurFest in Chicago regularly attract thousands of attendees from all over the world.

Pop Culture Influence

The influence of furries on popular culture cannot be overlooked. More and more media outlets are featuring stories about furries, and television shows like "My Strange Addiction" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" have dedicated episodes exploring the furry community.

These cultural references have helped increase awareness and acceptance of furries, which in turn has contributed to the growth of the fandom.


How many furries are there in the world? While an exact number is difficult to determine, estimates suggest that there are tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of furries worldwide.

How many furries are there in the United States? The United States is home to a significant furry population, with estimates ranging from tens of thousands to over 100,000 individuals.

What percentage of the population are furries? The furry community represents a small fraction of the overall population. While specific percentages vary depending on the source, it is generally agreed upon that furries make up less than 1% of the global population.

Where do most furries live? Furries can be found all over the world, but certain regions with a higher concentration include the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Australia.

What is the furry population growth projected for 2024? It is challenging to project exact numbers for future years. However, based on current trends and growing interest in the community, it is reasonable to expect continued growth within the furry fandom.

What percent of the world's population is made up of furries? As mentioned earlier, furries represent less than 1% of the global population. The exact percentage is difficult to determine due to varying definitions and methodologies used in surveys and studies.


The rising trend of furries shows no signs of slowing down. With a diverse and inclusive community that spans across age groups and genders, it's clear that furries have created a space where individuals can express themselves creatively and find like-minded individuals.

While exact numbers may be challenging to determine, the furry population continues to grow thanks to its strong online presence, the popularity of furry conventions, and increased visibility in popular culture. As society becomes more accepting and understanding of the furry community, we can expect to see even more individuals embracing their love for anthropomorphic animal characters.

So, whether you're a furry yourself or simply curious about this unique subculture, know that you are not alone. The rising trend of furries is a testament to the power of self-expression and the human desire for connection.

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